Changing Timetabled Courses

Need to change your timetabled courses?

Scholar uses information provided by your school or college to create student accounts and assign the appropriate timetabled courses. If the courses you see in ‘Timetabled Courses’ on your homepage don’t match the subjects you are studying (and you have checked out the full list of available Scholar courses), you will need to speak to your teacher/lecturer, or the member of staff with responsibility for Scholar in your school/college. In schools this is often a depute headteacher.

Available Scholar courses

If you need temporary access to a Scholar course in the meantime, you can select the ‘Display other courses’ toggle switch at the bottom of your homepage and you’ll find the course you are looking for in the list. Please note that if you access a course in this way, your progress and test scores will not be saved.

Screenshot of student homepage with display other courses toggle highlighted